The recently foiled plot by the British to blow up planes going out of Heathrow, has, invariably made life very difficult for the people unfortunate enough to have to fly at this time. More, it has brought about a discourse of insecurity - created suspicion of all Muslims and brown-skinned people.
But I've been wondering about the word itself, 'Terror'. Its bandied about as a one-word answer for all the ills in the world. As the justification for any and all measures that curb privacy, democracy. The term has been overused to the extent where I think its meaningless. It was never a comfortable word to begin with, as evidenced by all the statements about one man's freedom fighter being another's terrorist. And now, with screaming newspaper headlines and television news channels fighting to get the best ratings, the word's reduced, for me anyway, to absolutely nothing but sensationalism of the worst kind.
1 comment:
Very well written!
I myself have often wondered that a "terrorist" or then whatever you call people who do this.. how the breeding of the hatred in their heart must be an evolved process.. Over the years.. They must have probably seen a lot of pain and suffering in their lives to be able to inflict it on other people..
They probably think its only fair after what they have gone through, watching their houses being burnt down, their people killed, women raped, mass destruction of the land they call home..
I'm not justifying their actions.. what they do is wrong, absolutely wrong.. but there is a psychology behind it..
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