'Hindu' Monkey Bites Muslim Kid
Some extracts from this priceless report:
"This is a story of a simian who has been caged in Orissa for the last five years for, believe it or not, disturbing communal harmony.
The seven year-old monkey called Ramu is serving life imprisonment at Remuna police station in Balasore district.
Raised by a Hindu family, he bit some Muslim children five years ago, sparking communal tension in the area. When police intervened, they put him in this cage."
Whaaaa? is my first reaction. My second reaction is to go watch Charlton Heston and hope that that is the future of the world. Because, clearly, we don't deserve to make any more of a mess than we already have. Maybe Darwin, were he alive, would now like to argue for a process of devolution, where Simians were the pinnacle of biological development. He would have had a point: monkeys don't create technologies that can kill themselves, and anybody else that follows. Monkeys also don't create specific social orders and rules and then spend the rest of their existence squabbling endlessly over them.
Now Muslims are not only after hunting Hindus , but any animal associated with Hindus . Poor monkey - caged away for 5 years . What a cruel sentence for having the guts to do what Hindus should be doing in the first place .The poor monkey should be set free in a jungle. The poor fellow has every right to be free. Please forward the link to animal rights groups . I am hoping they could help this poor monkey.
also check www.hinduunity.org this site is blocked by anti-hindu sonias puppet govt...it the above URL is not working check this http://p081.ezboard.com/fhinduunityhinduismhottopics
@Raj: While I appreciate your comment, I must clarify that my post was in no way about Muslims 'Hunting' Hindus or vice versa. It is just to highlight the silliness of human beings sometimes. IMO, all of humanity is at blame here, not a specific religious group.
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