Forgive me the somewhat arrongant and mostly pretentious indulgence of titling my post untitled, but I figure I can get away with it. Once. Maybe.
Reflecting on the weekend is a curious mixture of the crappy (continuing cold) and the fun (book shopping!). Lets kill the crappy first: I'm still phlegmed.
Also, my friends refused to go watch The Departed or World Trade Center with me. Cretins. (Ack, no I don't really mean it!) However on Saturday I bought many many books, including an early copy of Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire which may very well be one of my favourite plays of all time. Also found some Diana Wynne Jones in the new store, Landmark (which is huge!). That was a nice surprise. Another good thing about the weekend was unexpected mother-daughter bonding over Grey's Anatomy. This has resulted in watching atleast 3 episodes a night together, and ruminating over the dreaminess of Dr. McDreamy. While I'm talking about Grey's, I really liked last week's episode. There's just something about this show, it can be a schmaltzy mess sometimes (most times) but its still so sharp and funny and warm. There just is no substitute for good writing.
It was a fabulous weekend for Manchester United. They won, 3-0 from Portsmouth while their two big rivals, Chelsea and Arsenal both lost. Guess Sir Alex will be the one laughing now.
And now to sign off:
Happy Birthday, Soumita!
Reflecting on the weekend is a curious mixture of the crappy (continuing cold) and the fun (book shopping!). Lets kill the crappy first: I'm still phlegmed.
Also, my friends refused to go watch The Departed or World Trade Center with me. Cretins. (Ack, no I don't really mean it!) However on Saturday I bought many many books, including an early copy of Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire which may very well be one of my favourite plays of all time. Also found some Diana Wynne Jones in the new store, Landmark (which is huge!). That was a nice surprise. Another good thing about the weekend was unexpected mother-daughter bonding over Grey's Anatomy. This has resulted in watching atleast 3 episodes a night together, and ruminating over the dreaminess of Dr. McDreamy. While I'm talking about Grey's, I really liked last week's episode. There's just something about this show, it can be a schmaltzy mess sometimes (most times) but its still so sharp and funny and warm. There just is no substitute for good writing.
It was a fabulous weekend for Manchester United. They won, 3-0 from Portsmouth while their two big rivals, Chelsea and Arsenal both lost. Guess Sir Alex will be the one laughing now.
And now to sign off:
Happy Birthday, Soumita!
I should put you in touch with Simoni, Neha and Sanjay... They are such big Grey's fans! :)
The night the season premiered Sims was at my place watching it and I had to tip toe in my own house lest she gets disturbed and misses one senetence! :)
He. That's why I download everything and watch it on my laptop, with my earphones. Though I have to say, Grey's is far from my favourite show. I'm only ready to commit murder if I miss Veronica Mars.
thank you sooooo very much :D.. its an honour indeed! today, your blog... tomorrow, a murdoch something.
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