This is likely to be the first of many musings of fandom.
I was just thinking about how invested I can become in a certain fandom. And I go overboard, reading fanfic after fanfic until I forget what canon was all about. I start looking at my favourite character (who is inariably a little grey) through the lenses of some other fan's immensely talented words. Take Draco Malfoy for example. He's very very very far from redeemed (or even redeemable) in JKR's actual stories. But in so many fan written stories, he's the tortured, multi-layered hero every woman wants to save. Having more or less ODed on such fics, I'm now while re-reading the Potter verse, attributing (and looking for) all sorts of motives and subtexts that I doubt JKR ever intended to lend Draco's character.
While this isn't a bad thing, it just means that I'll be invariably disappointed when the final book comes out and Draco remains consistent with JKRs version of the character. Not mine, and not like in Cassandra Claire's brilliant Draco trilogy for instance. And this is just one fandom, other fandoms = even more disappointment.
Won't it be ironic if Draco actually does turn out to be some sort of sacrificial tortured hero and Dumbledore comes back from the dead with some evil connection with Voldemort or rather as Voldemort himself..
I'm just blabbing.. But I was disucssing the possibility of the above happening with Siddhu and he disregarded the possibility!
Even though it does seem plausible since Dumbledore never seems to be around when Harry is fighting V or is the only wizard with powers to match that of the evil one's..
Well, those actually seem pretty far-fetched to me. JKR has followed the Hero mythology quite consistently in her books so far - and DD not being there is imperative to Harry's final battle having to be alone.
And while I though Draco's character was somewhat more fleshed out in HBP, its still nowhere near as complex as I'd like it to be.
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