Saturday, September 23, 2006

Apocalypse, Now

There have been several signs today (already, at 11.00 AM) to indicate that the Day of Reckoning may be around the corner. To begin with, I out-woke my alarm and woke up a full 15 minutes before it went off. And I did not suffer the temptation to go back to sleep. That is itself was not worthy of doomsday thoughts, but then, I sat down to read the paper and in today's Hindustan Times was an editorial by Barkha Dutt I actually liked. And agreed with.

Further adding to my prophecies of impending catastrophe was the fact that I did not ancounter one idiot with no road sense on my way to work, and for a change, driving was fun instead of You, you absolute, b***ard, and OMIGOD, who the hell gave him a license.

Then, the freakiest thing of all: I open my mailbox and I have no spam. No penis enlargement offers, no viagra at unbeatable prices. So, truly scared, I am left to ask:

WTF is up with the Universe??? I don't want to die today!!!!!!


Ridhima said...


Thats freaky! Especially the waking up before the alarm bit! :)

mitasho said...

just be happy for once, will ya!

Yamini said...

Er-hem @Soumita. Ever heard of Pot - kettle - black?!