I also really liked the episode which had enough of a balance to keep new viewers from turning off out of confusion and keep old faithfuls interested. I didn't expect too like Piz, but I do, though he's a little blah. Hopefully they'll develop the character, coz right now he's just a lightweight.
Loved, loved, the "Nice Shirt" line from Logan. He was much calmer and more introspective this episode and I like that, though I miss his snark. I want more of his snark. The MOTW was light, but interesting, and I really enjoyed that the guy who played Lucky also played the TA. Tina rocked as well, and its so great that she's a regular now. I loved the interaction with her and Veronica. (Veronica: "Women. Bitch, Bitch, Bitch". Hee) Also the last bits, with Veronica a little tipsy - its good to see her with a female friend and her and Mac play really well off each other.
But the best thing about the episode, by far, was the Dick and Logan scene. Awww, that Logan. He really knows how to be a friend. See Duncan? This is what you were supposed to do last summer. Kudos to Ryan and Jason for pulling that off so well.
me wants to see.. so so see.. waaaaaaaaaa
so see. Its available on MSN, in the video section, and you don't even have to be american to watch it!
sometimes, just sometimes, i get very annoyed with my very pretty mac :(
Awww... I'll send you the link for where you can download it (which is what I did) coz it was taking too long to stream. Its not through any kind of software, but rather through megaupload sort of sites, so it should work quite well.
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