Monday, December 04, 2006

All I Want for Christmas

This is for any friends, family and other kindly souls who feel like gifting me, for being me. Coz I'm so awesome, and all that. And Santa Claus, this goes for you too. Also: this is a Christmas and Birthday wish list, all rolled into one, for easy perusal and reference.

1. An Apple iPod 30 GB.

2. A Nikon D-50.

3. A burgundy red leather coat.

4. The Television without Pity book.

5. The Michael Schumacher Biography (translated, of course)

6. All the usual stuff - A trip to Paris, Moet et Chandon, Chocolates etc etc.

7. A Saxophone. A good one, mind.

8. Television without Pity t-shirts, and a Slacker t-shirt. Preferably the one Logan wears on VM. Like, the actual one.

9. The Complete Friends DVD set - The One with All Ten Seasons.

10. Vintage, Oversized Sunglasses from Valentino or Chanel.

I'll be extremely happy to provide links for purchases online. :)


Ridhima said...

I want # 9 too!!!!!!!!!! :) Looked at prices in a store recently and decided that I couldnt buy them cause I'll go broke collecting all 10 seasons.. maybe you can burn me a copy when some nice soul gifts it to you! :)

mitasho said...

thank you dahlin! you just made my life easier.
btw, do you think a black ski mask will clash with the colour of my eyes.. let me know, pretty please

Yamini said...

@Ridhu: Love, you get it one box set. And the whole thig is called, in typical Friends fashion, The One With All Ten Seasons. Heh. But of course I shall burn them for you, is someone were to gift me.

@Sho: Clash? with you lovely eyes? Never!

Unknown said...

U dont ask for much do you though i wouldnt mind few of the things myself ;) especially the Friends set.......c finally i did comment so no more complaints please!!!

SCHUMIGIRL1956 said...

All i want before for christmas this year in 2008 is to see Michael Schumacher and have a lovely long chat and tell him everything what i think of him. and he will not be ambarrassed has i have no complaints about him at if anyone can arrange that for me that would be beautiful